
Many people ask me, what should I eat? What is the best diet? What are the best foods for weight loss? I like to think of nourishing my body instead of eating. Imagine a house. When you walk into that house you want to know that the walls, doors and roof are built on solid foundations and made out of good quality materials, right? Well the same is true for our bodies. The food you nourish your body with will be the same material it is made out of. 

I truly believe our food is our first medicine. Of course, there are times where man made medicine is required for serious illnesses. Yet a lot of common diseases can be avoided if you have a strong body to begin with and this starts by deciding what goes into your body. 

Over the years, I have moved to an organic and mostly plant based nutrition. Nourishing yourself as such, will keep your endocrine system healthy, keep low levels of inflammation, manage your weight and help you thrive with energy. I am generally against specific diets as they do not work in the long run and are not sustainable. Research demonstrates that most diets might work for a short while, but as soon as you return to your routine the weight gain creeps back up. Most of our health and fitness results come from our nutrition patterns. We are what we eat. 


People have different goals when they train. Most ask me, how do I lose fat? How can I tone my body, get a six pack? Others want to gain muscle in a specific area or all over or simply improve their cardiovascular endurance. For most people training is a pain and going to the gym is not the highlight of their day. Yet training can be a lot of fun and we will show you how. 

In order to achieve most of these goals we believe in short and intense training sessions. The workouts vary from 12 to 30 mins classes. These have been developed for maximum efficiency and to avoid boredom. Our Methodology is based on 3 pillars : 

Strength, Flexibility, Endurance. 

The problem with many training systems is that they focus on one or two of these axes. With time, this can create deficiencies and imbalances in your body, potentially leading to injuries. This unique training system will make your entire body stronger and leaner while allowing to maximise the amounts of calories you burn, long after your workout is over. Finally, incorporating flexibility will ensure that you continue to train your body, pain and injury free.  




Are you often stressed? Feel like you have no time? Feel tired and finding it difficult to focus as if your mind was all over the place? 

You are not alone. No matter how hard you train and how well you eat, having your mind in the right place is essential to achieve your health goals. We live in a stressful world where we are constantly wired and connected. Research shows that despite being the most intellectually developed species on this planet our brains are not made to multitask 24/7. Our modern society over the past years, has increased subconscious stress by being constantly “online” and available. This has led to the emergence of specialised retreats, such as phone free, or total silence resorts. We believe you don’t need such extreme measures to regain balance and a sense of peace. We will teach you simple breathing, relaxation techniques which can improve your sleep patterns and overall mood resulting in a more rested mind.

It has been proven that meditation for example grows the synapses within your brain helping you to sharpen and focus your mind. 

Join me on the mat!